The Handicraft Committee makes and sells garden related items to raise funds for the foundation to help support the Master Gardener and Master Recycler Composter programs.
Some of the garden crafts are decorative such as planters, welded art, wind chimes and cement leaves. Others are practical like plant supports, stakes, market bags, and harvest hods. We also sew, knit and crochet to make hats, scarves, potato bags, casserole carriers, pot holders, aprons and purses. You can support your team or school with Sea Hawks, Sounders, UW and WSU items.
Whenever possible the committee recycles and reuses materials and appreciates member donations of fabric, yarn and other re-purposed supplies. Check out purses and aprons made from blue jeans, totes from pet food bags, flowers from records and fantastic scrap metal animals.
The committee enjoys working together and learning new skills. New members and ideas are always welcome.