New Raised Beds for the Food Bank Garden 2024

In 2024, the Nisqually Tribe funded a grant in the amount of $3,500 for the building of 7 new raised beds for the Food Bank and Children’s Gardens. This enabled us to expand both the amount of produce donated to the Olympia Food Bank, and the Children’s Programs involving harvesting the produce and learning the value of gardening.
The Nisqually Tribe has been instrumental in helping pursue our goal of increased community involvement.
Thank you Nisqually Tribe!

Irrigation Project Highlight for 2024

The MGFTC’s Irrigation Committee oversaw the completion of an updated irrigation system at Dirt Works and the Plant Sale Nursery. The Committee determined this would best be accomplished by having an irrigation vendor install the system. Work began in late spring and was completed in late July.
Good news! The water bill at Dirt Works / Plant Sale Nursery has already been lowered, and volunteers have found the need to wrangle hoses to water the gardens and nursery is no longer necessary!
Planning has begun to update the irrigation system at the Olympia Farmers Market in 2025.
Squaxin Island Tribe “Plants” a Future
In 2021 the Squaxin Island Tribe awarded Master Gardener Foundation of Thurston County (MGFTC) a $500 grant to build nine, 5’ x 8’ working height tables for the Plant Sale Nursery. They proved so successful in easing the work of the volunteers and showing off plants that we knew we needed more of the same.
In 2024, the Squaxin Island Tribe awarded us another $500 to build even more tables, making the display area more consistent and easier to manage.

We are grateful to those who manage the plant sales, those hardworking volunteers who built the tables, the matching support of MGFTC, and, of course, to the generosity of the Squaxin Island Tribe who helped make the tables possible.
Good Partners Answer Closed Loop Park’s Wishes
A partnership between the Nisqually Indian Tribe and the Master Gardener Foundation of Thurston County (MGFTC) provided Closed Loop Park Demonstration Garden with a new shed in 2021!

It’s hard to maintain a two-acre demonstration garden built on landfill but a hard-working group of volunteers have made it happen for 28 years. Their priority in 2019 was to remove a deteriorating shed, infested with mice. All they asked for was a new durable shed to store essential tools and supplies.
Master Gardener Foundation of Thurston County (MGFTC) approached the Nisqually Indian Tribe with a request for funding. Great news! In December 2019, the Tribe awarded MGFTC a check for $3,000. MGFTC shared the total cost of a new shed. The team’s wishes were coming true.
With the partnership between the Nisqually Indian Tribe and MGFTC, the project produced a Premier Tall Barn 8’ x 10’ Tuff Shed installed with one coat of paint. And a volunteer workforce provided at no additional labor cost:

- Removal and disposal of the dilapidated original shed
- Site preparation for the new shed
- Second coat of paint
- Building shelving and tool storage systems
Due to the unusual circumstances presented by COVID-19, WSU Master Gardener programs were locked down for much of 2020. Product and labor shortages delayed installation until September 2021.